venerdì 31 agosto 2012
Square Face
Square faces have the jaw, the distance between the cheekbones and forehead wide. Be identified by the angular jaw, and often as a front square.
Who has that kind of face loves action. Stubborn and determined, is often right.
Glasses curved areas will appear less angular jaw and hairline.
The earrings small, oval or circle, reduce the width and soften the angles, but avoid the eye-catching models.
Stretched Face
Stretched faces are narrow and have a high forehead. This type of face is a stretched version of the oval. Tends to have "horse" features (long nose, narrow chin, high forehead). People with long face usually have clear skin.
People from the long face inspires respect. They are hard workers and excellent organizers.
Widens a little 'face using glasses with details on the frame and marked with horizontal lines.
You donate button earrings, short ones and circles flashy, avoids the rather long earrings and thin.
Round Face
Rounded faces often have a small nose and upwards and a youthful appearance. Tend to have width and height equivalent. The typical face "as a child", so that can be embarrassing when you are young, it becomes an advantage with age.
The types from the round face can easily be adapted, they are brilliant, clever and diplomatic.
Glasses with angular design or form of cat eyes decrease the roundness of your face.
You give the angular and long earrings; avoid the big ones like button and circles.
Heart Face
The heart-shaped faces have high cheekbones (cheekbones and forehead are the same width, or the first are larger) and narrow at the jaw to end in a delicate chin.
Who owns this face shape is outgoing and makes friends easily, it is considered prudent and honest.
Minimizes the width of your face with narrow frames and lenses test oval or round.
Just perfect hoop earrings and straight ones, but avoid forms that link to the jaw.
Oval Face
The oval faces are tend to be characterized by traits generally symmetrical and are longer than they are wide. If you imagine that you fold in half an oval face (horizontally or vertically), the two halves will fit in almost perfectly.
Who has the oval face is often the center of attention, attracting the admiration of others and can become a model to follow.
The frames of length and over the fullest part of your face are the ones that suit you best.
The pendants are giving you a lot, even if you can afford any model.
The Shape of the Face
Choose the hairstyle that gives more, enhance their strengths with a personalized make-up and choose jewelry, sunglasses and clothing is much easier when you know the shape of your face. The most common forms of the face are: oval, heart-shaped, round, long, square and triangular.
In the next post you will discover in detail the characteristics of each of the six main forms.
If your face is the union of two forms, consider the one that best suits your most distinctive feature, such as the chin or cheekbones.
Nutrients Beauty
We are what we eat, and our appearance is the first sign of our inner well-being. Food is the most effective natural cosmetics. If you eat properly performed the first and most important step to any strategy to beauty, your eyes, your skin and your smile will shine like never before. The hair will acquire a special luster, the teeth will look whiter, your eyes shine and your skin will enjoy good health. And to achieve this, you only have to have breakfast, lunch and dine well, nothing could be easier!
My list of "superfoods" teaches you how to eat to get a natural beauty. But first, one last beauty secret ...
Pay attention to the ingredients in most beauty products and hair and you'll see that the term "water" is often top of the list. This is due to the fact that water is a cure in the field of beauty, since it removes toxins and hydrates the body cell to cell. Drinking eight glasses of water a day provides the following benefits:
OLIVE OIL: Rich in vitamin E, which enhances the effect of collagen, necessary to achieve a youthful glow. It 's the best condiment for vegetables.
TOMATOES: They are rich in vitamin C, essential for the production of collagen, and lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
FARM EGGS: They are rich in proteins that give a strong structure to the hair and I can say with enthusiasm that eating eggs for breakfast is one of the best ways to get hair long, strong and shiny.
AVOCADO: It's rich in vitamin B5 which, according to scientific studies, can delay the onset of gray hair and enhance hair growth.
SPINACH: They are an excellent source of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent eye diseases and protects them from ultraviolet rays. Other good sources of lutein are the cabbage peas and corn.
CARROTS: They are rich in beta-carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A, essential for maintaining a good view, which equates to less crow's feet and wrinkles. Choose carrots cooked, because cooking releases more nutrients.
BLUEBERRY: They are so rich in antioxidants (which increase the supply of nutrients to the eye) that pilots are used to eat bilberry jam to improve night vision. Spread a generous amount on toast.
SKIMMED MILK: It has sufficient calcium and phosphorus to maintain strong teeth, saving a lot of money on visits to the dentist. In addition, the milk reduces the acidity of the mouth, thus helping to protect teeth from bacteria. Drink half a liter per day.
PARMESAN CHEESE: The cheese after meals can help prevent tooth decay.
TEA: I't's rich in fluoride and it has been shown that regular consumers of tea have a toothing more healthy.
My list of "superfoods" teaches you how to eat to get a natural beauty. But first, one last beauty secret ...
Pay attention to the ingredients in most beauty products and hair and you'll see that the term "water" is often top of the list. This is due to the fact that water is a cure in the field of beauty, since it removes toxins and hydrates the body cell to cell. Drinking eight glasses of water a day provides the following benefits:
- Prevent dry, flaky skin.
- Lightens stains.
- Strengthens brittle nails.
- Brightens tired eyes.
- Moisturizes chapped lips.
- Brighten your hair dull and devitalized.
OLIVE OIL: Rich in vitamin E, which enhances the effect of collagen, necessary to achieve a youthful glow. It 's the best condiment for vegetables.
TOMATOES: They are rich in vitamin C, essential for the production of collagen, and lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
FARM EGGS: They are rich in proteins that give a strong structure to the hair and I can say with enthusiasm that eating eggs for breakfast is one of the best ways to get hair long, strong and shiny.
AVOCADO: It's rich in vitamin B5 which, according to scientific studies, can delay the onset of gray hair and enhance hair growth.
SPINACH: They are an excellent source of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent eye diseases and protects them from ultraviolet rays. Other good sources of lutein are the cabbage peas and corn.
CARROTS: They are rich in beta-carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A, essential for maintaining a good view, which equates to less crow's feet and wrinkles. Choose carrots cooked, because cooking releases more nutrients.
BLUEBERRY: They are so rich in antioxidants (which increase the supply of nutrients to the eye) that pilots are used to eat bilberry jam to improve night vision. Spread a generous amount on toast.
SKIMMED MILK: It has sufficient calcium and phosphorus to maintain strong teeth, saving a lot of money on visits to the dentist. In addition, the milk reduces the acidity of the mouth, thus helping to protect teeth from bacteria. Drink half a liter per day.
PARMESAN CHEESE: The cheese after meals can help prevent tooth decay.
TEA: I't's rich in fluoride and it has been shown that regular consumers of tea have a toothing more healthy.
mercoledì 29 agosto 2012
Homemade Hair Mask
Dry hair, damaged and chemically treated, require weekly treatments, such as masks and hot oils, to get them back in good health. These treatments contain moisturizing ingredients that penetrate into the hair, helping to rebuild the damaged parts and retaining moisture. Look for in the label natural nutrients such as aloe vera, the protein of rice or wheat. Even the homemade masks can be equally effective and curative. There propose one.
Crush a ripe banana and mix with 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of oil, grape seed (sold in supermarkets and shops diet) until you get a thick paste. Apply it on the hair, massaging the scalp also, cover your hair with plastic wrap kitchen and let stand for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
How to Cleanse the Hair
The hair clean and healthy are always beautiful. The smooth surface reflects light and holds moisture, giving a natural sheen. The aggressive treatments and pollution, however, can ruin them. Even the colors and the hair dryer break the hair and dry, while the excessive use of products turn them off. The result is a dull hair, no volume, looking "tired", difficult to comb or simply full of toxins.
Does this sound familiar? Do your hair are dry or more oily than usual? Do you can find them too knotted fingers through from root to tip? Do you routinely use hair styling products? Do you smoke or frequent smoky? Do you live or work in an area with high levels of pollution? Then it's time to purify your hair.
When you leave the hairdresser your hair is always shiny. Why? It 's all about a wash, balm and perfect drying. My purifying method allows you to get the same results at home. The main causes of dull hair are excessive quantities of shampoo and rinse insufficient. I'll explain how to make your hair recover vitality with a deep cleaning to remove deposits, a perfect balm for shine and return the application of a hair styling product that helps to keep them healthy.
Adequate washing is the first step of purifying treatment. The purpose is to get hair squeaky clean and, to achieve it, you have to wash them as the pros do. Pass the comb through your hair before washing to remove knots, dirt and skin flakes. Wet hair thoroughly before applying the shampoo, because water helps to prevent breakage of the hair. Use a small amount of shampoo and gently massage the scalp to stimulate the glands that produce oils and polishes. Your regular shampoo will be fine, but if you use many products, try one purifying, specially formulated to clean the hair in depth and eliminate possible residues of other products. Rinse thoroughly for 3 or 4 minutes, and when you feel that your hair is clean, continues for another 10 seconds.
Whatever your hair type, you must use the conditioner every time you wash them. The conditioner smooth the cuticle of the hair, making it easier to comb it without breaking, and also retains the moisture, causing the hair remains bright and does not dry out. You do not have to worry about exceeding the conditioner, if you are using a product suitable for your hair. Apply the conditioner on the tips and never on the roots, because in this area the natural oils keep your hair already well fed. Standard conditioner must remain posing only 30 seconds, because its action is instantaneous. Use a conditioner that requires a higher exposure time only if you have dry or frizzy hair. Rinse hair well so they do not remain sticky.
After shampoo and conditioner, ending with a rinse with cold water: smooth the cuticle of the hair, making it shiny.
The products used for the crease give the final touch to your hair just purified, as long as you're using the right amount of the right product. Read the label carefully: Make sure you use the right product for your hair type and style to your fold. I contend that the majority of women takes an excessive amount of this kind of products, overloading the hair cycle begins again giving toxic. So if you feel that the product used for the fold you let your hair heavy, sticky or greasy, apply the minimum amount needed and see the result: you will always be time to add a little '. (Mousse, as a golf ball. Gels, as a coin. Serum, as a small coin. Wax, as a pea. Calibrate the amount depending on the length of your hair: Use half if you wear your hair up to your chin and twice as long if they are up to your shoulders.) These products take a few minutes to work, so you have to wait to see their effect before applying again. Dries the hair from root to tip and ends with a blast of cold air to smooth the cuticle and increase shine.
martedì 28 agosto 2012
Brushing the Body
Dry brushing is a magical beauty ritual. Separates the dead skin cells and softens the hard areas. Accelerates cellular renewal of the skin. Helps to destroy the fatty deposits, stimulates blood circulation and makes the skin radiant. It helps the circulation of oxygen and is used to reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs. Making it a regular practice polish the skin, reduce cellulite and make more toned and smooth than ever the problem areas. You will feel in shape and get a healthy in a short time. A session of just three minutes you will leave your skin noticeably softer and will make you feel refreshed from head to toe. In addition, thanks to the use of the brush, you will provide an energy boost circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, which has the task to rid the body of waste products and toxins. The best time to perform the dry brushing is in the morning, before anything else. If you run it in the evening, may disrupt sleep. Also brushed before applying self-tanner, you get a more uniform color. The secret is to massage the skin dry with a brush just before bathing or showering, always towards the heart. Repeat three times a week and you will see results immediately.
Starting from the soles of the feet do the movements deep and wide, going up to the knees. Brush several times the same area: a single pass is not sufficient. Run counterclockwise movements decided on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Try light rotary movements clockwise, proceeding upwards from the stomach to the chest. Do not brush your nipples dry brush is traumatic for sensitive areas. Brush the skin with large movements from the lower back upwards and with small movements in the region of the shoulders downwards. Rub the skin with large movements upwards of the hand to the elbow and then from the elbow to the shoulder. Do not worry if you notice redness, the skin is detoxing. Wash the brush regularly, because the dead skin remains attached to the bristles.
Dry brushing is a magical beauty ritual. Separates the dead skin cells and softens the hard areas. Accelerates cellular renewal of the skin. Helps to destroy the fatty deposits, stimulates blood circulation and makes the skin radiant. It helps the circulation of oxygen and is used to reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs. Making it a regular practice polish the skin, reduce cellulite and make more toned and smooth than ever the problem areas. You will feel in shape and get a healthy in a short time. A session of just three minutes you will leave your skin noticeably softer and will make you feel refreshed from head to toe. In addition, thanks to the use of the brush, you will provide an energy boost circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, which has the task to rid the body of waste products and toxins. The best time to perform the dry brushing is in the morning, before anything else. If you run it in the evening, may disrupt sleep. Also brushed before applying self-tanner, you get a more uniform color. The secret is to massage the skin dry with a brush just before bathing or showering, always towards the heart. Repeat three times a week and you will see results immediately.
Starting from the soles of the feet do the movements deep and wide, going up to the knees. Brush several times the same area: a single pass is not sufficient. Run counterclockwise movements decided on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Try light rotary movements clockwise, proceeding upwards from the stomach to the chest. Do not brush your nipples dry brush is traumatic for sensitive areas. Brush the skin with large movements from the lower back upwards and with small movements in the region of the shoulders downwards. Rub the skin with large movements upwards of the hand to the elbow and then from the elbow to the shoulder. Do not worry if you notice redness, the skin is detoxing. Wash the brush regularly, because the dead skin remains attached to the bristles.
The Rite of Foundation
Even supermodels need a little help to get a flawless skin. Often it is an illusion created by makeup artist. My secret weapon is the foundation that spread with skill, it can mask fatigue, camouflage spots and pimples and give the face a fresh and flawless. Once you have chosen the color, formula and technique appropriate, only you will know of it on the skin.
Before purchasing a beauty product, see my previous posts to see if you belong to the type hot or cold and to know which foundation is best for you.
To find the perfect color of foundation you must try it on perfectly cleansed skin. Choose three shades similar to yours. Apply them in wide strips from the cheekbones to the jaw. Observe them in daylight. It 'better to go outside or near a window and looking in a mirror. The tone becomes invisible is the most suitable for your skin tone.
Wait a minute before buying the product. The acidity of the skin can change the color of the foundation, then let it rest and see how your skin reacts.
It 'possible that same color is not good all year round. It 'better to buy it in a slightly darker tone for the summer and mix it with a lighter in the intermediate seasons.
Before you start to apply makeup, gather hair back, wash your hands and cleanse, tone and moisturize the skin. Wait a few minutes so that you absorb the moisturizer and the foundation does not form spots. Now you can pay a little 'product on the palm: is your palette. The warmth of the hand will lead him to the body temperature, allowing it to slide across the skin with greater sweetness. Follow the steps listed here to get a perfect result.
Do not apply concealer first, it eliminates spreading the foundation. Apply the foundation gradually (it is easier to add than to remove) with light touches on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, using your fingers or a sponge. A damp sponge provides a light finish, while a dry sponge provides a more opaque. Lay the foundation to the outside of the cheeks, forehead and nose. Spread it well, the foundation should not be noticed. Fades gradually towards the jaw and hairline, taking care not to get your eyebrows. Use the ring (it's more delicate than others) to hang with tapping a bit 'of concealer around the eyes. Do not apply it on the eyelids, or could create shadows around the eyes and accentuating wrinkles. For a more uniform passes the clean surface of a sponge on the face, then do a final check to natural light. If you are satisfied with the effect, you will be perfect with any type of light. Do not use foundation to give color, so you use the blush. Leave to rest the foundation before proceeding to the next step.
A foundation laid out perfectly to give your face a flawless appearance, but if you already have a perfect skin prevents cover: better to show it!
Before purchasing a beauty product, see my previous posts to see if you belong to the type hot or cold and to know which foundation is best for you.
To find the perfect color of foundation you must try it on perfectly cleansed skin. Choose three shades similar to yours. Apply them in wide strips from the cheekbones to the jaw. Observe them in daylight. It 'better to go outside or near a window and looking in a mirror. The tone becomes invisible is the most suitable for your skin tone.
Wait a minute before buying the product. The acidity of the skin can change the color of the foundation, then let it rest and see how your skin reacts.
It 'possible that same color is not good all year round. It 'better to buy it in a slightly darker tone for the summer and mix it with a lighter in the intermediate seasons.
Before you start to apply makeup, gather hair back, wash your hands and cleanse, tone and moisturize the skin. Wait a few minutes so that you absorb the moisturizer and the foundation does not form spots. Now you can pay a little 'product on the palm: is your palette. The warmth of the hand will lead him to the body temperature, allowing it to slide across the skin with greater sweetness. Follow the steps listed here to get a perfect result.
Do not apply concealer first, it eliminates spreading the foundation. Apply the foundation gradually (it is easier to add than to remove) with light touches on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, using your fingers or a sponge. A damp sponge provides a light finish, while a dry sponge provides a more opaque. Lay the foundation to the outside of the cheeks, forehead and nose. Spread it well, the foundation should not be noticed. Fades gradually towards the jaw and hairline, taking care not to get your eyebrows. Use the ring (it's more delicate than others) to hang with tapping a bit 'of concealer around the eyes. Do not apply it on the eyelids, or could create shadows around the eyes and accentuating wrinkles. For a more uniform passes the clean surface of a sponge on the face, then do a final check to natural light. If you are satisfied with the effect, you will be perfect with any type of light. Do not use foundation to give color, so you use the blush. Leave to rest the foundation before proceeding to the next step.
A foundation laid out perfectly to give your face a flawless appearance, but if you already have a perfect skin prevents cover: better to show it!
Essential Accessories
There is no right or wrong tool to apply makeup: it is a very personal choice. I will propose three: you decide which is best for you.
- Brushes: Magnificent to apply liquid or creamy base and to give a uniform appearance to the skin. They are expensive, but if you clean regularly can last for years.
- Sponges: They are suitable for the application of formulas in cream, gel, liquid or powder. Those pointy reach difficult areas around the eyes and nose, those flat oval ensure uniform application. Wash it in hot water twice a week and replace it every two months.
- Fingers: Heat the foundation, making it adhere to the skin gently and evenly. They are excellent to reach every corner and groove. Wash your hands before and after application. Last a lifetime!

Special Ingredients
The modern foundation to help protect the skin from the effects of pollution and the sun. They do not just make your skin flawless: they contain ingredients that perform protective and preventive function. Find them on the label:
- Silicones: Make that the basis is based on your skin, giving it a compact appearance.
- Sunscreens: Act against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays (SPF 15 offers the best protection).
- Pigments that reflect light: They "bounce" the light on the skin, making it brighter and reducing expression lines.
- Photosensitive particles: They make sure that the skin looks good with any type of lighting.
- Antioxidants: Promote the production of collagen, which provides elasticity to the skin.
- Micropigments color: They are used to create a uniform basis without stripes.
lunedì 27 agosto 2012
How to Choose Foundation
- Cream
- Liquid
- Gel
- Without Oil/Mat
- Stick
- Compact
- Cream Powder Effect
- Tinted Moisturizer
The Foundation
The choice of foundation that suits your skin will help you create the perfect base for makeup.
Max Factor, a pioneer of cinema-makeup, created the foundation to help movie star to appear perfect on the big screen. At first, this cosmetic consisted of a compact paste with a limited range of colors that fit a few types of skin, but it was a great success, as he gave the illusion of flawless skin. Today, the foundation is available in a variety of formulations, from dense and opaquecreams to light and almost invisible gel. In the next post we will analyze various formulations to understand what foundation is best for your skin type.
Max Factor, a pioneer of cinema-makeup, created the foundation to help movie star to appear perfect on the big screen. At first, this cosmetic consisted of a compact paste with a limited range of colors that fit a few types of skin, but it was a great success, as he gave the illusion of flawless skin. Today, the foundation is available in a variety of formulations, from dense and opaquecreams to light and almost invisible gel. In the next post we will analyze various formulations to understand what foundation is best for your skin type.
Type Warm Dark
The woman of type Warm Dark has brown hair, mahogany or blacks and brown eyes, hazel or green. Her skin tans hard and is a shade of Mediterranean, Asian or Black (Halle Berry is a typical example of this category).

Wrong colors: metallic silver tones are washed out for the eyes, the pink tinted lips and cheeks stand out too much on instead to merge with them.
Warm Middle Type
Warm Middle Type belong to the red. Their hair is reddish brown, brown or dark brown with golden highlights. The eyes are green, brown, hazel or green-blue, and the skin is peach or olive tones with a tendency to tan intense.

Wrong colors: whites, pastel cold tones and purple make the eyes puffy and tired. Fuchsia and burgundy are off limits for the lips.
Warm Light Type
The women of the type Warm Light have blond hair, golden or reddish brown, with warm reflections. The eyes are hazel, green or blue-green, the skin is peach and cream, often with freckles.

Wrong colors: Black can be excessive when applied in abundance on the eyes, the bright pink and lilac are striking off the skin.
Type Cold Dark
The type Cold Dark has hair color dark brown or jet-black, with blue reflections. The eyes are blue, cool gray, pale green or hazel, and skin color ranges from pale white to darker brown.
Right colors: Black, purple, and blue (electric tones until the overseas) give expression to the eye. The blush pink and deep purple or burgundy red lipsticks give a wonderful result.

Wrong colors: pastel tones, such as apricot, block the light in the eyes and the terracotta color of the lips and cheeks gives the skin a sickly.
Soon we'll talk about shades Hot Peach .. The type Hot Peach can be light, medium or dark, and goes from blonde-red to the typical Mediterranean woman with olive skin.
Middle Cold Type
The women of the Middle Cold type have brown hair or dark blonde. Usually have brown eyes or blue, sometimes with a touch of green or gray. Their skin is milky white, often with rosy cheeks, and struggle to get a tan.
Right colors: The dark gray, indigo, gray and dark brown pearl better define the cold eyes, cheekbones stand out with dark pink and pink lips shine with the light shades of blue, like the cherry.

Wrong colors: Green lime can impart a sick person, and any shade of orange-brown cheeks or lips will remove color to the face.
Type Cold Light
The woman on the type Cold Light has blond hair or light ash blond. The eyes are light blue, blue gray, hazel or green cold, and the skin is usually a milky white color with a tendency to redden or burn in the sun.
Right colors: The eyes shine with silver, teal, light blue or lilac. Cheeks shining with baby pink and mouth glows with a pale pink lip gloss.
Wrong colors: apricot and gold tones can make eyes seem cold light type red and tired. A bright orange lip only works if you are tanned.
First of all, forgive my bad English.
The tone of your skin is hot or cold? Ask yourself this question before you choose the range of colors to use.
If you learn to recognize colors that enhance your complexion, you'll get a fantastic look, but always remember that the wrong colors the skin loses brightness!
The make-up experts are two types of skin depending on the shades: hot or cold. Women have a warm complexion skin peach or orange hue, so the warm and intense colors make them shine. Those of the Cold complexion skin tone pinkish or blue, and are comfortable with the cool colors.
The skin of hot type shines with golden jewels, the skin cold type stands out with silver. Look at the inside of the arms: those who have a warm complexion has the veins of a green color, while those who have cold has bluish veins. If you are uncertain, ask the opinion of a friend.
Ok, the first example ..
You already know that they belong to the type cold. But you're light, medium or dark? It all depends on the color of skin, hair and eyes. See the next post ..
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