Dry brushing is a magical beauty ritual. Separates the dead skin cells and softens the hard areas. Accelerates cellular renewal of the skin. Helps to destroy the fatty deposits, stimulates blood circulation and makes the skin radiant. It helps the circulation of oxygen and is used to reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs. Making it a regular practice polish the skin, reduce cellulite and make more toned and smooth than ever the problem areas. You will feel in shape and get a healthy in a short time. A session of just three minutes you will leave your skin noticeably softer and will make you feel refreshed from head to toe. In addition, thanks to the use of the brush, you will provide an energy boost circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, which has the task to rid the body of waste products and toxins. The best time to perform the dry brushing is in the morning, before anything else. If you run it in the evening, may disrupt sleep. Also brushed before applying self-tanner, you get a more uniform color. The secret is to massage the skin dry with a brush just before bathing or showering, always towards the heart. Repeat three times a week and you will see results immediately.
Starting from the soles of the feet do the movements deep and wide, going up to the knees. Brush several times the same area: a single pass is not sufficient. Run counterclockwise movements decided on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Try light rotary movements clockwise, proceeding upwards from the stomach to the chest. Do not brush your nipples dry brush is traumatic for sensitive areas. Brush the skin with large movements from the lower back upwards and with small movements in the region of the shoulders downwards. Rub the skin with large movements upwards of the hand to the elbow and then from the elbow to the shoulder. Do not worry if you notice redness, the skin is detoxing. Wash the brush regularly, because the dead skin remains attached to the bristles.
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