giovedì 6 settembre 2012

Dry Skin

The skin tends to dry out with age, even though you may have dry skin - all or a particular area - at any age. This type of skin may appear scaly, thin and tense with very small pores, almost invisible, and air conditioning, wind and sun can worsen the dryness (also drinking alcohol). Dry skin can be from the skins of cold type and to those hot type.
Dry skin needs gentle treatments and much nourishment to stay healthy and soft. Your goal is to increase the hydration of the skin to make it appear smooth and lush.
Use a mild cream, a very nutritious liquid, or a non-scented moisturizing soap.
Spray a bit of cold water after cleaning to stimulate circulation, or use an alcohol-free tonic. Rose water is a natural alternative.
Use a very nourishing cream, day and night.
Drink plenty of water - up to 2.5 liters per day - to rebalance the hydration of the skin, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables to feed it.

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