This mini curative treatment will not take more than ten minutes. Before you begin, remove the polish with a non acetone solvent, not to dry the nails.
Apply cuticle remover. Massaging gently and let it act for a minute, so as to soften and moisturize the area.
Dilute a little liquid soap in a bowl with warm water and soak your nails for 3-5 minutes, then clean them with a brush. Rinse and dry well.
Remove excess layers of cuticle with the curved side of the stick orange making small circular movements. Then wrap the ends in cotton to push back the cuticles.
Spread on the nails a bit of vitamin E or cuticle cream and apply a moisturizer on your hands. Massaging carefully for three minutes to stimulate the best movement and nail growth.
Now let's file and shape the nails.
Use the file once a week keeps the nail shape and helps to avoid breakage. The best time to file is when the white part is 6 mm beyond the tip of your finger.
There are three main forms of nail: choose one that reflects the curve of your cuticle.
Oval Nails: The oval nails give charm to your hands. Stretch your fingers to look elegant and graceful. Suitable for small hands, slender fingers. Tilts the file for acting on the underside.
Squared Nails: The square nails they look strong, but it is not true that this form makes them more durable. Suitable for big hands and nails wide. Keep the file at a right angle to the edge of the nail.
Squoval: The squoval nails are half way between the square and the oval. They look good in practically all. Suitable for most of the hands. File as nail square, then rounds off the corners.
Begins with the little finger and proceed towards the thumb. Fold the file to the edge of the nail, so as to polish especially the lower side. Proceed by the angle at the center, always in the same direction. Then file from the other corner to the center, with movements in the opposite direction. It's important not to use a saw movement, otherwise it will ruin the edge of the nail. Do not file the corners too much, because a little lateral growth of the nail makes it look longer and prevents infections. Be careful not to shave more on one side than the other. To make sure that the nail is balanced, look at it from different angles.
Smoothes nails every two weeks you will get a natural shine like a layer of clear nail polish, but it does not splinter. Also correctly nails rough or scored. Starting from the cuticle, gently passing the buffer on the nail. Run regular movements and in one direction, but do not overdo it, otherwise you can thin the nail.
To get really nails clean and bright, complete manicure passing a white pencil under the edge of each nail.
If you want to apply a nail polish, first use a cotton swab soaked in solvent to remove any oil or cream.
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