martedì 4 settembre 2012

The Bone Structure

Discover what your bone structure and what form characterizes your cheekbones. The size and the line of the cheekbones is determined by the structure of bones and muscles underneath.
There are five main forms of cheekbones: high, low, wide, central and small. Watch the faces of celebrities in the post below, then take the test of the smile, and find out which type you belong.
All women would like cheekbones well defined and, if you were an actress, perhaps you'd be willing to pay and suffer for them. In the thirties and forties, some Hollywood stars were made to remove the wisdom teeth because the facial features look more chiseled. Today celebrities prefer plastic surgery of facial implants, an expensive procedure that involves the application of silicone cushions between the skin and the cheekbone. A cheaper option and painful is to use a good make-up!
If you can enhance the line of the cheekbones, the more your face will look smooth and you will be more photogenic.
For an immediate definition and rapid color on the cheeks, passes several times the palms of the hands on the sides of the nose to the ears.

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