lunedì 10 settembre 2012

Use the Cleansing

A skin fresh and clean is the first secret of a face always bright: the biggest favor you can do it, you cleanse the very best, and it will shine health. Proper cleaning routine - the last thing in the evening before going to bed and early in the morning - removes dirt, sweat, make-up, pollution, dead skin cells and bacteria that cover the skin, clog pores and cause pimples, blacks points, drought or excess sebum. In addition, a good cleaning helps the skin renew itself more quickly, giving it a brighter look, and helps to better absorb moisturizers, tonics and other treatments for the face. Here's how to feel pleasantly "soap and water".
Before you start, wash your hands and collect the hair. Remember that any type of detergent you use (cream, gel or solid), the process must always be this.
Apply on each cheek a detergent size of a coin and cover it up to the hairline (where the make-up can accumulate). Avoid the eye area, but do not forget the neck (the neck skin is too sensitive for the regular soap) and the area behind the ears. Use your fingertips to spread gently cleansing the face and neck. Do not rub hard, would affect the skin's protective barrier. This process helps to remove dirt deep and stimulates circulation, oxygenating the skin and gives a healthy glow to your complexion.
Carefully remove the cleanser with a muslin cloth or a soft towel dipped in hot water and then wrung out. Do not remove the cleanser with a handkerchief, irritate the skin. Perform fast movements and circular help remove any remaining impurities. Wash regularly face cloths, or bacteria proliferate.
To ensure that all traces of detergent has been removed (residues can clog pores, causing pimples and not to enter the moisturizer), passes on the face of wadding pads soaked in water cold (but not freezing, can break the capillaries). Will also serve as refreshing tonic.

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